The Bikes We Ride


by Mark Spurlock

If you enjoy cycling as much as I do, I am sure you have more than one bike.  There is a book I would highly recommend called “The Rules: The Way of the Cycling Disciple.” (You can find it on Amazon). In it, there are 95 rules to follow for those who cycle.  From rule #1 “Obey all rules” to #95 “Never lift your bike over your head,” you will find some that you will certainly understand and others you will question.  The one that relates to this entry is rule # 12 – “The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.”  By this you will know that there is always room for one more bike!  Of course a sub-rule to that is never sell a bike! 

So back to the bikes we own….I own 7 bikes (see ’em below).  I have my very first bike I bought brand new in 1977 – Raleigh Super Course 5 speed.  I also have a ’76 John Deere 3-speed cruiser, a Trek Mtn Bike, a 2005 Specialized Rubaix, a 2009 Orbea Orca, and the 2015 Specialized S-Works Tarmac and the latest one I bought…a Wilshire Nirve 3 speed bike. 

The Tarmac S-Works is very nice and one that I am fortunate to be able to acquire (obviously the most expensive of the 7).  The one that has the most value is the ’76 John Deere.  My late wife – Jo Carol – found this one at an estate sale for $5 and was wanting to use it to decorate the yard with a basket and flowers.  You’ve seen that before.  But unfortunately, she never got that opportunity since cancer came.  So I took the bike to my local bike shop; and since it needed almost everything except a new frame, I have a nice bike now.

So, make room for that extra bike.  Get that bike fixed up if it is sitting there with a flat tire or two.  Spring is coming and get out and ride.

Ride safe!  Ride lots!!

Winter-spring 2021

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Raleigh Super Course 5 speed, new in ’77 The John Deere cruiser, 1976 Orbea Orca, 2009 Specialized S-Works Tarmac, 2015 Wilshire Nirve 3 speed